Motor transport of Uzbekistan switches over to liquefied and compressed gas


In November 2010 the business circles of Uzbekistan and South Korea held a business-forum where they discussed the issues of utilization of liquefied and compressed natural gas as an alternative for motor transport fuel.

Uzbekistan possesses rich recourses of natural gas and at the moment the government carries out the programme of expanding the network of Compressed natural gas fuel stations (CNG) and natural gas-filling stations (GFS) as well as phased switching over of the vehicles on natural liquefied and compressed gas fuel.

Currently the National Holding Company “UZBEKNEFTEGAZ” is working with its South Korean partners – “Kogas” and “Kolon” companies on some projects aimed at production of gas tanks for automobiles on the territory of “Navo” Free Industrial-Economic Zone and construction of a network of CHG in various regions of Uzbekistan.

By now in Uzbekistan the total number of vehicles amounts more than 1634,000 units. Seven percent of them use liquefied gas fuel and eight percent use compressed gas fuel. By 2015 it is planned to increase the number of vehicles which use compressed gas fuel up to 29 per cent and to open 352 additional CNGs. 135 CNGs are already functioning in various regions of the country, whereas 10 CNGs are under the construction.

Under the state programme the GM Uzbekistan joint venture plans to launch the project on switching over of the manufactured cars on gas fuel. Thus from the second half of 2011 the enterprise is planning to start the manufacture of Lacetti cars modified for gas fuel.