

MAN Lions Coach R07K

Order MAN Lions Coach R07K online

The design and technical characteristics of MAN LIONS COACH R07 tourist coach are the embodiment of traditional well-known ‘virtues’ of MAN vehicles: economy, dynamics, safety, and comfort. The coach is ideal for both long-distance trips and tours within the city.

Two-door MAN LIONS COACH R07 tourist coach impresses with its high comfort and multifunctionality. There are spacious luggage compartments in the lower part of the coach. Above them there is a passenger cabin with upholstered (velour) high back seats. The bus features 13 rows of seats (maximum 49 seats including special guide seat).

Above the seats there are hand luggage racks. Individual air conditioning system and reading lights provide for the comfort of the journey. Moreover, each passenger seat is equipped with recline sideways slide regulator, and a footrest.

The cabin also features blue colour night lighting, carpeted floor, a WC by the rear door, a mini kitchen and a refrigerator. The coach is equipped with a microphone and DVD/CD player with displayers being located in the front and in the middle of the passenger cabin.

There is a convection heater and electric fan at the door. For passengers’ convenience there are two doors in the coach: one is in the front part of the coach and another is in the middle of the coach. Big double-glazed windows provide good panorama views. All the windows have sun blinds. In the front of the passenger cabin there is a digital clock with thermometer function.

Passenger safety is guaranteed by seat belts, overspeed governor (not more than 100 km/h), emergency engine stop mechanism, Electronic stability programme (ESP), additional brake system retarder, Electronic braking sytem (EBS), fog lamps, anti-lock system (ABS), external rear-view mirrors with defroster. Electronically-Controlled Air Suspension (ECAS) with diaphragm-type springs and shock absorbers contribute to the ride comfort.

The engine (440HP) meets the Euro-4 emission standards.
The bus features fully equipped comfortable driver’s berth.

Color: white
Passenger seat capacity: 49 (intended for 38 tourists)
Luggage compartment capacity: 10 m3
Refrigerator +
CD-DVD-player +
AC +
FM-radio +
LCD-screens in the cabin +
Mini Kitchen +
WC +

Higer Bus

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For passenger transportation business comfort and safety are priority features. High level of comfort and safety that Higer KLQ6129 provides is a guarantee that your journey is pleasant and fatigue-free even while traveling long distances.

Tourist coach Higer KLQ6129, the flagship model of Higer manufacturer, presents the most advanced designer’s solutions in modern bus industry. The model’s high safety level is proved by international certificates. Thus this model successfully passed UN ECE Regulation 66 roll-over test. What makes Higer KLQ6129 coach model distinctive is modern, compact design, high level of assemblage and rich standard arrangement.

Large spherical front window and double-glazed side windows guarantee fair visibility. All the windows are provided with sun visors. The rear-view mirrors are equipped with defroster.

Air suspension with 6 air bags provides for smooth drive making any road surface roughness unnoticeable for the passengers. Noise insulation of the passenger cabin at any operative mode of the engine is not inferior to the products of the best European bus manufacturers. For passenger convenience the coach features two double sealed doors: a front pneumatic out-swing door with movable step, and a middle passenger door.

The coach is equipped with CUMMINS engine which meets Euro-2 emission standards.

The self-contained water heater provides for comfortable environment of the passenger cabin during driving as well as restart and parking heating. Temperature comfort is also supported by conditioning system (compressor capacity of 28,000 KCal) with ventilation and air filtrating function. Besides, there are two emergency roof windows with electric fans, as well as sliding rear side windows.

The comfort of a journey is also provided by luxury seats which are reclinable, adjustable sideways and horizontally, and have a foot rest and cup bracket. All passenger seats are equipped with safety belts. Overhead there are hand luggage shelves. The lighting is represented by parallel line ceiling lamps and reading lights above each seat. There is also a step lamp.

Passenger cabin is equipped with digital clock with thermometer and hydrometer function, two 50L refrigerators, water dispenser with hot and cold water, WC, DVD system with two 17” LCD displays which can be folded to the ceiling if necessary, a microphone.

The coach also features a guide seat with backrest and foot rest.

Color: white
Passenger seat capacity: 41 (meant for 35 tourists)
Luggage compartment capacity: 9 m3
Refrigerator +
CD-DVD-player +
AC +
FM-radio +
LCD-screens in the cabin +
WC +